Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ubuntu and gVim

I've always been a Windows or DOS user ever since childhood. In the past several years I have tried to migrate to Linux.
Here comes in Ruby on Rails... on gVim... on... Ubuntu. It's nice and fast. you feel like you put your computer on steroids. Enough talk. Let me share with you the simple steps I took to install it.
  1. Install Ruby on Rails so that gVim may be able to access whatever files are in the RoR install.
  2. Go to and follow the installation instructions for gVim.
  3. Go back to my earlier post on Vim and you may follow that and paste the custom files in the gVim ~/.vim/ (which is equivalent to the Window's ~/vimfiles/ folder).
Happy geek out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that.

Could you add a link to your "earlier post"

-- Stephan